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3. Installation

Installation Script

To install ISP Go, save, grant execution rights, and then run the script below.

Or execute the commands given in the script in the same sequence in the command line manually.




wget https://$LOGIN:$ https://$LOGIN:$

apt update

apt install -y curl daemon dbconfig-common rsync redis-server nginx postgresql nodejs

dpkg -i isp-go_1.2.1_amd64.deb isp-go-frontend_0.11_all.deb

Creating an installation script

Open a text editor that is convenient for you (Nano will be used in the example):


Copy the commands from the example above into it and save it.

Grant the right of execution for the created script, and then run it using the username and password provided to you by the manager.

chmod +x
./ login password

In the process of installation the following configuration files will be created:

  • /etc/isp-go/config.ini – components configuration
  • /etc/nginx/conf.d/log_format.conf – configuration of the block page logs format
  • /etc/nginx/sites-available/isp-go-api – virtual host for handling API requests
  • /etc/nginx/sites-available/isp-go-blocked – blockpage virtual host

All files should be manually configured to finish the ISP-Go installation.