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Database solutions
This section contains anything you need to operate with the SafeDNS domains database.
Cloud solutions
Here you can find documentation for all existing cloud solutions of SafeDNS
Firewall And Intrusion Prevention System, VPN Server, Application Control, Content Filtering
ISP solutions
This section contains anything you need to set up ISP-Go or ISP-Filter products.
Categorization API
This document describes the Categorization API and interaction with it.
Categorization SDK
The document contains information about Categorization SDK and describes integration and interaction with it
Subscription API
1. About SafeUTM
2. General Information
3. Installation
4.3. Setup - Monitoring
Installation guides
4.1. Setup - Dashboard
4.2. Setup - Users
4.4. Setup - Traffic Rules
4.5. Setup - Services
4.6. Setup - Reports
4.7. Setup - Server Management
4.8. Setup - Mail Relay
4.9. Setup - Publishing Resources
5. Maintenance
6. Instructions and Troubleshooting
Archived: ISP Go Content Filtering Platform (Sales Discontinued)
Documentation and description of the ISP Go Filtering Server API methods.
Y.API Domain Database access service
Installation and configuration
User tree
User Authorization
Integration with Active Directory
Content Filter
Network Interfaces
DSL/Wi-Fi routers
Connecting offices (site-to-site)
Multi-policy filtering on OpenWRT
Windows OS
Mac OS
Linux OS
Mobile & tablet
General Settings
Working with Categorization API
Purpose of the Categorization API The Categorization API is designed to provide developers and third-party systems with a quick and easy way to get data from the SafeDNS database of categorized sites. The API is designed for integration with other systems whe...
Example of a simple python project
Below you can see an example of a simple python project that allows you to get categories for a list of domains from a file domains.txt. To work with the code, create a text file domains.txt, add the domains there for categorization line by line and save them ...
Configuration & Integration
Introduction This documentation contains the following solutions: The ability to find the categories of a given URL by searching the local database located on the user's terminal device (PC, router, embedded device). In this case, an Internet connection is...
ID Category Description 3 Malware Sites spreading malware 4 Phishing & Typosquatting Sites deceiving internet users (e.g. fake pages, scams, fraud) 5 Online Ads Advertising systems and banner networks 6 Drugs Sites adve...
Canonical form of a domain (or URL)
URLs of resources are stored in the database in their canonical form, which means that before requesting a list of categories, the URL needs to be canonicalized. In other words, you need to get the canonical representation of the URL. A single URL resource po...
Local database
One of the ways to get URL categories is to use the local database provided by SafeDNS. This database is getting updates on a daily basis and therefore the database always contains actual information about websites on the Internet. This database is currently s...
Subscription API guide
Version 1.9.If you are viewing the Subscription API guide as a PDF file, you can always check for the latest version here: Introduction SafeDNS Subscription API is designed to gi...
About SafeUTM
SafeUTM security gateway is a modern software solution that secures the network perimeter and allows to make internet access 100% controllable, safe and reliable. SafeUTM features: Firewall Intrusion prevention system Content Filter Application contro...
Technical Support
One of the main priorities for SafeDNS is our clients’ high satisfaction rate. Technical support is provided throughout the service subscription period. The subscription is included in the license price and is valid for a year from the date of purchase. Upo...
Creating a USB flash startup disk
Windows The creation of the ISO image will erase all existing information from the USB drive. Download Rufus software and open the downloaded file. Choose the designated USB flash drive in the Device: Select Disk or ISO image in Boot Selection. Click ...
Setting up Hypervisors
Necessary conditions for SafeUTM work:1. UEFI support.2. Legacy download mode must be turned off (it may also be called CSM - Compatibility Support Module).3. Turn off Secure Boot in UEFI. SafeUTM supports the following hypervisors: VMware (Workstation and...
Installation Process
System Requirements Mandatory conditions for work with SafeUTM:1. UEFI support.2. Turn off Legacy boot mode, it may be called CSM (Compatibility Support Module).3. Turn off the Secure Boot option in UEFI. Hardware Minimum system requirements ...
Initial Configuration
Connection to SafeUTM Web Interface If you haven’t installed SafeUTM yet, please see the Installation Process article. After you have successfully installed SafeUTM you can start its initial configuration. Start an internet browser on any local network comp...
Information about the server status. This module allows you to view the following information about the server: Server uptime; Basic information about the license; CPU load over a certain period of time (5 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day, 7 days); RAM...
User tree
In the SafeUTM management interface, users are displayed as a tree. Users can be organized into trees. The group nesting level is not limited.The user account tree is available in Users -> User & Group. SafeUTM implements the principle of inheritance, whic...
User & Group
Creating, deleting, and moving user accounts. General To manage groups and accounts in the user tree, there are corresponding buttons on each group: Symbol Description Create user account Create group ...
Configuring Users
Configuring user account settings. Categories Users are configured in Users -> User & Group. To determine/edit the user account settings, select the account in the user tree by left-clicking on it. The parameters of the selected account will appear on the ...
Terminal Server Users
Used for remote work with the provision of a separate desktop for each user. Provides a service for the work of dozens and even hundreds of users. Terminal Server Authorization If the admin does not need the separate authorization of terminal server users,...
User Authorization
Authorization is a necessary condition for users to access the internet. General Information There are several authorization methods that you can find in this subsection. All types of authorizations on SafeUTM are IP-based (based on the host IP address) a...
Web Authorization
Supported browsers:- Google Chrome, version >= 76- Firefox, version >= 71- Safari, version >= 13 In this type of authorization, any request from an unauthenticated user sent via a web browser will be redirected to a special authorization page of SafeUTM. Afte...