Archived: ISP Go Content Filtering Platform (Sales Discontinued)
Documentation and description of the ISP Go Filtering Server API methods.
1. Architecture and system requirements
ISP Go solution for Internet Service Providers consists of three components• Filtering DNS Server...
2. Before installation
The ISP-Go server can be installed on Debian Jessie/Stretch/Buster, choose the amd64 packet. 32bi...
3. Installation
Installation Script To install ISP Go, save, grant execution rights, and then run the script bel...
4. Configuration
Redis configuration Set the maximum size of memory allocated for data storage and policy of work...
5. Examples of API requests
After the initial installation, you need to write a script that will change user settings. The se...
6. Backup and restore
Set periodic backup of directories:/etc/isp-go/var/lib/isp-go/.ssh Set periodic backup of Redis ...
7. ISP-Go slave server
Install second (slave) ISP-Go server. Make sure that isp-go-api is launched on the master server ...
8. Migrating from previous versions
There are two utilities for migrating from previous versions: isp-go-dumpdb isp-go-loaddb The ...
Users [user_id] is the ISP's user ID. It can contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 underscore a...