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[user_id] is the ISP's user ID. It can contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 underscore and dash.

The maximum length is 32 characters.

Creating a user

A new user is created when trying to create a property for him: specify categories, assign ip.

POST /users/[user_id]/ip/[“ip_address”]
Deleting a user
DELETE /users/[user_id]
Check a user existence:
HEAD /users/[user_id]

If a user is not found returns HTTP response code 404.

Getting a list of active users
GET /active_users/

Response format:

["geek", "bugtest", "hammer"]

Active users are users which have at least one IP address.

Getting a list of all users
GET /users

Response format:

  "name": "geek",
  "safesearch": "off",
  "safeyoutube": "off",
  "status": "enabled",
  "filter": [1, 2],
  "ip": ["", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"],
  "whitelist": ["", ""],
  "blacklist": []
  "name": "bugtest",
  "safesearch": "off",
  "safeyoutube": "on",
  "status": "enabled",
  "filter": [1, 2, 3],
  "ip": [""],
  "whitelist": ["", ""],
  "blacklist": []

By default, returns first 100 users.

GET /users?start=100&stop=200

Start and stop parameters indicate that should be returned users with user_id from 100 to 200.

Search a user
GET /search/user1

Response format:

  "name": "user1",
  "safesearch": "off",
  "safeyoutube": "off",
  "status": "enabled",
  "filter": [],
  "ip": [],
  "whitelist": [],
  "blacklist": []

The search is possible by IP or username. Wildcards or masks can be used in the search.

GET /search/192.168.0.*

Returns all users which IP address starts with 192.168.0.

GET /search/user*

Returns all users which name starts with user

GET user’s information
GET /users/[user_id]

Response format:

  "name": "[user_id]",
  "safesearch": "off",
  "safeyoutube": "off",
  "status": "enabled",
  "filter": [3, 4, 5, 6],
  "ip": ["", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"],
  "whitelist": ["", ""],
  "blacklist": []
Update user’s information
PUT /users/[user_id]

Content-type: application/json

  "name": "[user_id]"
  "safesearch": "on",
  "safeyoutube": "off",
  "status": "enabled",
  "filter": [2, 3, 4, 5],
  "ip": ["", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"],
  "whitelist": ["", ""],
  "blacklist" ["", ""]
Disable filtering

This feature allows users to suspend filtering without settings reset.

POST /users/[user_id]/status/disabled

Content-type: application/json
Enable filtering
POST /users/[user_id]/status/enabled

Content-type: application/json

Enabling safe search by default for a user
PUT /config/

Content-type: application/json

{ "safesearch": true }
Disabling safe search by default for a user
PUT /config/

Content-type: application/json

{ "safesearch": false }
Enabling safe search by default for users
PUT /userconfig/

Content-type: application/json

{ "safesearch": true }
Disabling safe search by default for users
PUT /userconfig/

Content-type: application/json

{ "safesearch": false }
Enabling safe Search for [user_id]
POST /users/[user_id]/safesearch/on

Content-type: application/json
Disabling safe Search for [user_id]
POST /users/[user_id]/safesearch/off

Content-type: application/json
PUT /userconfig/

Content-type: application/json

{ "safeyoutube": true }

Safe Youtube

If this option is enabled, the user will be automatically redirected to the safe version of YouTube.

Enabling safe YouTube by default
PUT /config/

Content-type: application/json

{ "safeyoutube": true }
Disabling safe YouTube by default
PUT /config/

Content-type: application/json

{ "safeyoutube": false }
Enabling safe YouTube by default for users
PUT /userconfig/

Content-type: application/json

{ "safeyoutube": true }
Disabling safe YouTube by default for users
PUT /userconfig/

Content-type: application/json

{ "safeyoutube": false }

User addresses
Get the user’s IP address
GET /users/[user_id]/ip/

Response format:

["", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"]
Add user’s IP address (will be added to existing)
POST /users/[user_id]/ip/

Content-type: application/json


or a list of IP addresses:

POST /users/[user_id]/ip/

Content-type: application/json

["", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"]
Update user’s IP address (existing IP address will be replaced)
PUT /users/[user_id]/ip/

Content-type: application/json


or a list of IP addresses:

PUT /users/[user_id]/ip/

Content-type: application/json

["", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"]
Delete all user’s IP addresses (disables filtering for the user)
DELETE /users/[user_id]/ip/
Deleting one of the user's IP addresses
DELETE /users/[user_id]/ip/[]

General information
Get the grouped list of categories with the names and identifiers of the categories

In order to get categories in the language other than the default one, you should add the HTTP header Accept-Language to the request with language indication (for example pt_BR).

GET /categorygroups/

Response format:

  "group": "Security",
  "categories": {
    "3": "Virus Propagation",
    "4": "Phishing",
}, {
  "group": "Illegal Activity",
  "categories": {
    "6" : "Drugs",
Get a list of categories with names and identifiers of categories
GET /categories/

Response format:

  "3":"Virus Propagation",
Check a website
GET /site/

Response format:

  "domain": "",
  "categories": [29],

Categories for blocking
Adding a category to the list of blocked by default
PUT /config/

Content-type: application/json

{ "filter": [1, 2] }
Removing a category from the blocked by default
PUT /config/

Content-type: application/json

{ "filter": [] }
Adding a category to the list of blocked by default for users
PUT /userconfig/

Content-type: application/json

{ "filter": [1, 2] }
Removing a category to the list of blocked by default for users
PUT /userconfig/

Content-type: application/json

{ "filter": [] }
Get a list of user’s categories
GET /users/[user_id]/filter/

Response format:

[1, 2, 3]
Add category to user’s list
POST /users/[user_id]/filter/

Content-type: application/json

[1, 2]
Save new user’s list of categories
PUT /users/[user_id]/filter/

Content-type: application/json

[1, 2, 3]
Disable one category for a user
DELETE /users/[user_id]/filter/2
Disable all categories for a user
DELETE /users/[user_id]/filter/

Black list
Get the user’s black list
GET /users/[user_id]/blacklist/

Response format:

["", ""]
Add a domain to the user’s black list
POST /users/[user_id]/blacklist/

Content-type: application/json

Replace to new black list
PUT /users/[user_id]/blacklist/

Content-type: application/json

Remove a domain from the user’s black list
DELETE /users/[user_id]/blacklist/
Delete the user’s black list
DELETE /users/[user_id]/blacklist/
Setting the "White list only" option

For the user to work in the "everything is prohibited except what is explicitly whitelisted" mode, you need to blacklist the root domain:

POST /users/[user_id]/blacklist/

Content-type: application/json


To delete the root domain from the blacklist:

DELETE /users/[user_id]/blacklist/-

White list
Get the user’s white list
GET /user/[user_id]/whitelist/

Response format:

Add domain to a user’s white list
POST /users/[user_id]/whitelist/

Content-type: application/json

Replace the user’s white list
PUT /users/[user_id]/whitelist/

Content-type: application/json

Remove a domain from the user’s white list
DELETE /users/[user_id]/whitelist/
Delete the user’s white list
DELETE /users/[user_id]/whitelist

Global blacklist (takes precedence over user lists)
Get the global black list
GET /blacklist

Response format:

Add domain to global black list
POST /blacklist/

Content-type: application/json

Replace to new global black list
PUT /blacklist/

Content-type: application/json

Remove a domain from the global black list
DELETE /blacklist/
Delete the global black list
DELETE /blacklist/

Setting the option "The global whitelist only"

For the user to work in the "everything is prohibited except what is explicitly whitelisted" mode, you need to blacklist the root domain:

POST /blacklist/

Content-type: application/json


To delete the root domain from the blacklist:

DELETE /blacklist/-

Global white list
Get the global white list
GET /whitelist/

Response format:

Add a domain to the global white list
POST /blacklist/

Content-type: application/json

Replace to new global white list
PUT /blacklist/

Content-type: application/json

Remove a domain from the global white list
DELETE /whitelist/
Delete the global white list
DELETE /whitelist/

User activity by hour

Where [date_from], [date_to] are dates in YYYY-MM-DD format.

GET /users/[user_id]/stat/activity/hour?from=[date_from]&to=[date_to]

  "labels": ["2022-06-29 14:00:00", "2022-06-29 15:00:00"],
  "datasets": [{
    "label": "Requests",
    "data": [375, 275]
    "label": "Blocks",
    "data": [13, 0]

labels - a list of timestamps,
datasets - a list of objects containing data for charts and legends,
data - a list of values corresponding to timestamps,
label - chart name (Requests - number of requests, Blocks - number of blocks).

User activity by day

Where [date_from], [date_to] are dates in YYYY-MM-DD format.

GET /users/[user_id]/stat/activity/day?from=[date_from]&to=[date_to]

  "labels": ["2022-06-29", "2022-06-30"],
  "datasets": [{
    "label": "Requests",
    "data": [5770, 3456]
    "label": "Blocks",
    "data": [8, 9]

labels - a list of timestamps,
datasets - a list of objects containing data for charts and legends,
data - a list of values corresponding to timestamps,
label - chart name (Requests - number of requests, Blocks - number of blocks).

GET /users/[user_id]/stat/domains/[filter]?from=[date_from]&to=[date_to]

  "labels": ["", "", ""],
  "datasets": [{
    "label": "Requests",
    "data": [630, 474, 290]
    "label": "NXdomain",
    "data": [0, 0, 290]
    "label": "Blocks",
    "data": [630, 0, 0]

[date_from], [date_to] - dates in YYYY-MM-DD format,
[filter] - can be set to all, www
all - returns all domains,
www - returns only domains start with www
labels - a list of domains,
datasets - a list of objects containing data for charts and legends,
data - a list of values corresponding to timestamps,
label - chart name (Requests - number of requests, Blocks - number of blocks, NXdomain - number of requests to non-existing domains).

GET /users/[user_id]/stat/detail?from=[date_from]&to=[date_to]

  "timestamps": ["2022-06-29 15:00:00", "2022-06-29 16:00:00"],
  "reports": [{
    "labels": ["", ""],
    "cats": [[48, 251], [48]],
    "datasets": [{
      "label": "Requests",
      "data": [29, 20]
      "label": "NXdomain",
      "data": [0, 0]
      "label": "Blocks",
      "data": [0, 0]
    "labels": ["", "", ""],
    "cats": [[2], [2], [2]],
    "datasets": [{
      "label": "Requests",
      "data": [73, 48, 48]
      "label": "NXdomain",
      "data": [0, 48, 0]
      "label": "Blocks",
      "data": [0, 0, 0]

[date_from], [date_to] - dates in YYYY-MM-DD format,
timestamps - a list of timestamps,
reports - a list of appropriate intervals reports,
labels - a list of domains,
cats - lists of categories for domains,
datasets - a list of objects containing data for charts and legends,
data - a list of values associated with each domain,
label - chart name (Requests - number of requests, Blocks - number of blocks, NXdomain - number of requests to non-existing domains).

Raw statistics

Full user statistics for the last hour. Updates every 5 minutes.

GET /users/[user_id]/stat/raw

  "fields": ["created", "nxdomain", "address", "host", "blockedhost", "reasom", "cats", "blockedcats"],
  "data": [
    ["2016-07-11 17:50:26", "0", "", "", "", "4", [2], [0]],
    ["2016-07-11 17:50:26", "0", "", "", "", "4", [2], [0]]

Response codes

200 OK - Successful request

201 Created - Successful element creation request

204 No Content - Successful request with an empty response

400 Bad Request - Invalid request

404 Resource is not found - The resource does not exist

422 Unprocessable Entity - The request does not contain the 

500 Internal server error