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Version 1.1.
The latest JSON-RPC API guide is available here:

JSON-RPC API methods are designed for interaction with the service and making changes to the settings.

The API was designed using JSON-RPC protocol and is compatible with the following versions: 1.0 and 2.0. More info is available here:

An example of a CURL request for JSON-RPC 1.0:

curl -X POST '{"id":0,"method":"methodName","params":{"param1":"param1"}}'

An example of a CURL request for JSON-RPC 2.0:

curl -X POST '{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"methodName","params":{"param1":"para m1"}}'

Some API methods require basic authentication. In this case, authentication details must be sent in the request. Example:

curl -X POST -L --user username:password -d '{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"methodName","params":{"param1":"param1"}}'

Response format: JSON.

A response example of a successful API call:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"result": "result"

A method result is included in the “result” key.

In case of an incorrect request the response will be the following:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"error": {"code": "code", "name": "name", "message": "message", "data": "data"}

Table of available methods:
# Value Description
1 systemInfo Gets information about the system configuration
2 myip Gets the current client’s IP
3 testAuth User’s authentication
4 register Registers a new user
5 userInfo Gets user information
6 profiles Gets a list of available filtering policies
7 addProfile Creates a new filtering policy
8 removeProfile Deletes a filtering policy
9 renameProfile Renames a filtering policy
10 categories Gets a list of available filtering categories
11 userFilter Gets a list of filtering categories applied for a user
12 setFilterCat Changes filtering settings
13 domains Gets a list of Allow/Denylisted domains for a certain filtering policy
14 addDomain Adds a domain to the Allow/Denylist for a certain filtering policy
15 removeDomain Deletes a domain from a certain filtering policy
16 clearDomains Clears the list of domains for a certain filtering policy
17 updateNic Updates a dynamic IP
18 setWhiteListOnly Enables/disables the "Allow list only" mode
19 setSafeSearchEnabled Enables/disables "Safe Search mode" for Google and Bing
20 setSafeYoutubeEnabled Enables/disables "Restricted YouTube mode"
21 multiSchedule Gets information on the filtering schedule for a certain policy
22 setSchedule Sets filtering schedule for a certain policy
23 setScheduleEnabled Enables/disables filtering schedule for a certain policy
24 profileScheduleActivity Gets the time left before a change of the filtering policy according to the filtering schedule
25 getProfile

Creates AgentInfo, gets AgentInfo status or updates AgentInfo policy depending on the parameters

26 setProfile Sets a filtering policy for AgentInfo
27 feedback Sends user’s feedback
28 getCategoriesDailyStats Gets daily categories stats of a policy
29 getAdvertising Gets the information on promo
30 getPlans Gets the list of available billing plans
31 getPlan Gets the user’s billing plan
32 getAPCVersion Gets mobile app’s version: minimal supported and the current one

Available methods:

1. systemInfo

Gets information on the system settings.


"public_dns": <public_dns>,
"nxdomain": <nxdomain>,
"blockpage": <blockpage>,
"blockpage_token": <blockpage_token>,
"blockapi": <blockapi>

2. myip

Gets current client’s IP.


<ip address>

3. testAuth

User’s authentication.

Mandatory parameters:

  • username - client’s username.
  • password - client’s password.



4. register‌

Registers a new user.

Mandatory parameters:

  • username - client’s username.
  • password - client's password.


In case of a successful registration:


If an error occurred:

[false, <error>]

5. userInfo

Gets user information. Authorization is required.


"plan": {
"name": <>,
"code": <plan.code>,
"features": <features>
"tz": <timezone_offset / 3600>,
"tz_minutes": <timezone_offset / 60>

6. profiles

Gets a list of available filtering policies. Authorization is required.


"name": <name>,
"default": <true|false>,
"token": <token>,
"safe_search_enabled": <true|false>,
"is_schedule_enabled": <true|false>,
"id": <id>

7. addProfile

Creates a new filtering policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameter:

  • name - policy name


"name": <name>,
"default": <true|false>,
"white_list_only": <true|false>,
"token": <token>,
"safe_search_enabled": <true|false>,
"is_schedule_enabled": <true|false>,
"id": <id>

8. removeProfile

Deletes a filtering policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameter:

  • profile_id - id of the policy that should be deleted.



9. renameProfile

Renames a filtering policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy id.
  • name - policy name.



10. categories

Gets a list of available filtering categories. Authorization is required.


"title": <group1>,
"items": [{"title": <item1>, "id": <id>}]

11. userFilter

Gets a list of filtering categories applied for a user. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameter:

  • profile_id - policy id.


[<cat_id1>, <cat_id2>, <cat_id3>]

12. setFilterCat

Changes filtering settings. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy id.
  • cat - category id.
  • state - boolean value (add/remove the category from the filtering settings).



13. domains

Gets a list of Allow/Denylisted domains for a certain filtering policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy id.
  • choice - domain type (available options: “black”, “white”, “alias”).


If the domain type is “black” or “white”


If the domain type is “alias”:


14. addDomain

Adds a domain to the Allow/Denylist for a certain filtering policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • choice - domain type (available options: “black”, “white”, “alias”).
  • domain domain.

Optional parameter:

  • ip - IP address, the parameter should be used if the “alias” domain is being added.
  • comment - adds a comment for a domain.


<id of added domain>

15. removeDomain

Deletes a domain from the Allow/Denylist for a certain filtering policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • choice - domain type (available options: “black”, “white”, “alias”).
  • domain domain.



16. clearDomains

Clears the list of Allow/Denylisted domains for a certain filtering policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • choice - domain type (available options: “black”, “white”, “alias”).



17. updateNic

Updates a dynamic IP. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • hostname - hostname.


<IP address>

18. setWhiteListOnly

Enables/disables the "Allow list only" mode. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • flag - enable/disable option (boolean value).



19. setSafeSearchEnabled

Enables/disables "Safe Search mode" for Google and Bing. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • flag - boolean value (enable/disable option).



20. setSafeYoutubeEnabled

Enables/disables "Safe Search mode" for Google and Bing. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • flag - boolean value (enable/disable option).



21. setBlockUnknownEnabled

Enables/disables “Restricted YouTube mode”. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • flag - boolean value (enable/disable option).



22. multiSchedule

Gets information on the filtering schedule for a certain policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameter:

  • profile_id - policy ID.


[[<offset1>, <true|false>], [<offset2>, <true|false>]]

23. setSchedule

Sets filtering schedule for a certain policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • segments - a list of segments for scheduling: [[<offset1>, <true|false>], [<offset2>, <true|false>]].



24. setScheduleEnabled

Enables/disables filtering schedule for a certain policy. Authorization is required

Mandatory parameters:

  • profile_id - policy ID.
  • flag - boolean value (enable/disable option).



25. profileScheduleActivity

Gets the time left before a change of the filtering policy according to the filtering schedule. Authorization is required

Mandatory parameter:

  • profile_id - policy ID


[<true|false>, <mins_until_change>]


If the scheduling is turned off or there are no other states: mins_until_change = -1.

26. getProfile

This method includes 3 functions, depending on the parameters. Authorization is required.:

  1. creates AgentInfo;

  2. gets AgentInfo status;

  3. updates AgentInfo policy

Mandatory parameters for creating Agent info and getting a policy:

  • uid - ""
  • hostname - hostname.
  • version - version.
  • os_info - information on the OS.
  • address - IP address.

Mandatory parameters for getting the current policy of AgentInfo:

  • uid - uid AgentInfo.
  • hostname - "".
  • version - "".
  • os_info - "".
  • address - "".

Mandatory parameters for updating AgentInfo:

  • uid - uid AgentInfo.
  • hostname - new hostname.
  • version - new version.
  • os_info - new information on the OS.
  • address - new IP address.


[<uid>, <token>, <profile_id>]

27. setProfile

Sets a filtering policy for AgentInfo. Authorization is required

Mandatory parameters:

  • uid - uid AgentInfo.
  • profile_id - policy ID.



28. feedback

Sends user’s feedback. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameters:

  • title - the subject line.
  • message – user’s message.



29. getCategoriesDailyStats

Gets daily categories stats of a policy. Authorization is required.

Mandatory parameter:

  • profile_id - policy ID.

Optional parameters:

  • lang - response language.
  • categories_list - defines a list of categories. if it’s not set - the result will show all the categories.


{<category_name>: <value>}

30. getAdvertising

Gets the information on promo. Authorization is required


{<strAdvUrl>, <strImageUrl>}

31. getPlans

Gets the list of available billing plans.

Optional parameter:

  • mobile - gets the Plans list, and determines whether to respond with mobile plans only. Boolean value.


'name': <plan name>,
'code': <plan code>,
'isMobile': <is mobile plan>,
'period': <period>,
'trialPeriod': <is trial>,
'price': <price>,
'description': <path>,

32. getPlan

Gets user’s billing plan. Authorization is required.


'name': <plan name>,
'expired': <expired_days>,
'isMobile': <true|false>,

33. getAPCVersion

Gets mobile app’s version: minimal supported and the current one.

Optional parameter:

  • tag - tag for getting the versions (the value “default” is set by default).


"minimalSupported": <minimum supported version (integer, non-negative number)>,
"current":<current version of the mobile agent (integer, non-negative number)>