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Managing Administrators

It is possible to set the credentials of several administrators of the SafeUTM server to access the settings web interfaces.

The pre-installed administrator account cannot be deleted, you can only change its data – name, and password – using the corresponding elements in the  Management column.

You can create additional server administrators and manage accounts in the section Server Management -> Administrators.
1. Administrators.png

To add a new administrator, click Add and fill in the following fields:

  • Name - Enter the name of a new administrator. The value must be 42 characters maximum.
  • Login - Enter the login of a new administrator. The value must be 42 characters maximum.
  • Password/repeat password - Enter the password of a new administrator. The value must be 10 characters minimum. We recommend using complex passwords containing Latin lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Role - select the Administrator role or View only. When choosing View only role, the administrator will not be able to make any settings in the web interface, because when you try to make changes, a window with the error "Access denied" will appear.

Access to Web Interface from External Network and Remote Access via SSH

  • To enable access from the external network, switch the slider to Enabled near item Access to web interface from external network. This function helps to administer SafeUTM remotely.
  • To enable SSH access to the server from local or external networks, switch the slider to Enabled near the corresponding items (not recommended). Access is provided via TCP port 22. Password-guessing attempts are blocked automatically. Use the command local-menu to launch the menu, and command mc to launch the file manager.

For more information about configuring the connection to the web interface for remote access, see the article Remote Access for Server Management.

Administrator Password Recovery

For more information about administrator password recovery, see this article by following the link.