Recently Updated Pages
Rules section consists of three subsections: Forwarding, Permitted addresses, and Forbidden addre...
Setting up Domain at Registrar/Zone Holder
To create a mail server, you will need a domain name. You can register it with your Internet se...
Advanced Settings
Advanced Settings section consists of three subsections: General, Security, and DKIM-signature. ...
Setting up Mail Relay
If SafeUTM has an external IP address, a domain is registered to it, and the necessary records ar...
Configuring the mail web interface to work on the local and external interface of SafeUTM. 1. ...
General Settings
The basic settings section includes many basic parameters necessary for the operation of a mail s...
Mail Relay
This section provides instructions for configuring the mail service, as well as for using additio...
Managing Administrators It is possible to set the credentials of several administrators of the...
Report Designer
Setting up statistics in custom reports and sending ready-made reports to e-mail. UTM provides...
Authorization Log
In the Reports -> Authorization Log section, a list of users authorized on SafeUTM is available t...
Security Events
Contains information about the triggering of the rules specified in the Intrusion Prevention sect...
Statistics from Application Control and Content Filter. The section automatically collects sta...
Uploading your SSL certificate to server
After purchasing a trusted SSL certificate from Certificate Authority (CA), you need to create a ...
TLS Certificates
Section with information about SSL certificates. This section displays SSL certificates/certif...
Connecting Keenetic via IPsec
On the SafeUTM side, configure the connection settings in the Services -> IPSec -> Devices sectio...
Connecting Kerio Control to SafeUTM via IPsec
Following the steps of the article below, you can combine Kerio Control and SafeUTM networks via ...
Connecting Keenetic via SSTP
You can connect routers with SSTP protocol support in site-to-site VPN mode. If you do not nee...
Outgoing pfSense Connection to SafeUTM via IPsec
Setting up SafeUTM 1. In the SafeUTM web interface, open tab Services -> IPsec -> Devices.2. A...
Incoming pfSense connection to SafeUTM via IPsec
Following the steps in this article, you can combine pfSense and SafeUTM networks via IPsec using...
Outgoing SafeUTM Connection to Cisco IOS via IPsec
Following the steps in this article, you can combine Cisco and SafeUTM networks via IPsec using P...