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SafeDNS Shield
1. Product Overview Our on-premise solution for DNS traffic content filtering is a DNS Proxy wh...
SafeDNS Agent Intune installation
1. Setting up the Intune environment Firstly, need to set up the user, and domain in the Intune ...
Mikrotik Router Setup
Router with Static IP address configuration Go to SafeDNS Dashboard > Settings > Devices and cop...
Agent Unattended Installation
New Agent, versions 1.4.1+ (Windows only) Installation To initialize the unattended installatio...
Application deployment using MDM Integrators Without File Addition
General guide 1. Obtain a personal authKey from SafeDNS support in your Personal Account in the ...
Active Directory setup: SafeDNS Dashboard configuration.
1. Create the domain on the SafeDNS Dashboard. After receiving the SafeDNS AD Agent from SafeDNS...
SafeDNS AD Agent environment configuration
The manual below describes the whole process of the preparation, configuration, and installation ...
Starlink router setup
DNS configuration with a static IP address Starlink routers only support static IP addresses. If...
SafeDNS Agent for macOS MDM integration
System requirements: macOS 14 or newer. Currently, each installation package is created and sign...
SafeDNS Agent Enterprise Application initial setup
This step follows the mass deployment of the Agent application. It must be completed to enable th...
Application deployment using MDM Integrators With File Addition
This guide covers the deployment of the application with the addition of a .mobileConfig, .xml, o...
DNS-over-TLS Setup
The goal of the DNS-over-TLS protocol is to increase user privacy and security by preventing eave...
SafeDNS Root Certificate For HTTPS Pages
About the certificate Root certificate or SSL certificate is the main part of the website securi...
DNS-over-HTTPS setup (DoH URL)
DoH should only be turned on if you intend to use it. Please note that DoH is designed to increa...
DNS-over-HTTPS setup (DoH domain)
We have 2 ways to create a DoH domain: 1. Using your account dashboard Follow the instruction...
Web Filtering Bypass Prevention
Common recommendations: Block the Proxies & Anonymizers category. Block the Firefox/Chrome Se...
DD Client Setup
This guide explains how to install ddclient software in the case when you have a Dynamic IP addre...
SafeDNS and local resources
This guide explains how to set up the SafeDNS service in the Active Directory environment with th...
White Labeling - SafeDNS
This guide will describe how to deploy a white-labeled edition of SafeDNS service for your custom...
SafeDNS Agent for Windows Setup
The Agent is available on the following billing plans: Safe Family, Pro, Pro Plus, and archived S...