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Terminal Server Users
Used for remote work with the provision of a separate desktop for each user. Provides a service f...
Configuring Users
Configuring user account settings. Categories Users are configured in Users -> User & Group. ...
User & Group
Creating, deleting, and moving user accounts. General To manage groups and accounts in the us...
User tree
In the SafeUTM management interface, users are displayed as a tree. Users can be organized int...
Information about the server status. This module allows you to view the following information ...
Initial Configuration
Connection to SafeUTM Web Interface If you haven’t installed SafeUTM yet, please see the Install...
Setting up Hypervisors
Necessary conditions for SafeUTM work:1. UEFI support.2. Legacy download mode must be turned off ...
Creating a USB flash startup disk
Windows The creation of the ISO image will erase all existing information from the USB drive. ...
Technical Support
One of the main priorities for SafeDNS is our clients’ high satisfaction rate. Technical suppo...
Licensing Scheme At the moment SafeUTM license has two types of licenses: Free trial; Ente...
About SafeUTM
SafeUTM security gateway is a modern software solution that secures the network perimeter and all...
Example of a simple python project
Below you can see an example of a simple python project that allows you to get categories for a l...
Local database
One of the ways to get URL categories is to use the local database provided by SafeDNS. This data...
Canonical form of a domain (or URL)
URLs of resources are stored in the database in their canonical form, which means that before req...