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Automatic Authorization and De-authorization Scripts
Authorization and de-authorization of users are possible in fully automatic mode. For that, you ...
Entering Server into Domain
Go to the tab Users -> Active Directory. Click Add. Fill in the following fields: ...
Active Directory User Authorization
Import accounts from Active Directory, see Import of Users for details. Setting up user auth...
Integration with Active Directory
SafeUTM provides the possibility of one-way synchronization with a domain based on Microsoft Acti...
Fixed VPN IPs
The section allows you to bind a specific IP address for a specific user for VPN connections. ...
Subnet Authorization
This type of authorization allows you to create an authorization rule for a specific UTM user fro...
Instructions for running PowerShell scripts
Use ready-made scripts downloaded from your server to create a VPN connection in Windows versions...
Features of Routing and Access Organization
If VPN is required only to access local network resources If you need to access the Internet d...
User's Personal Account
To quickly configure user connections, you can enable access to the SafeUTM web interface. In ...
If possible, do not use this type of connection. This connection method can be unstable, has hu...
SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol) is a protocol of secure traffic tunneling based on SSL/TL...
This VPN protocol is preferable and recommended for all usage scenarios.Instructions for setting ...
Authorization by PPPoE
Authorization by PPPoE protocol involves authorization via a secure network tunnel between the us...
Authorization by PPTP
Do not use this type of connection. This connection method is EXTREMELY insecure and has been lef...
VPN Connection
To gain access from outside (from home, hotel, or another office) to the enterprise's local netwo...
Authorization by MAC address
This type of authorization is suitable for those devices whose location changes from time to time...
Authorization by IP address
Configuring Authorization by IP Authorization by IP implies that an authorized user will gain ac...
Authorization by IP and MAC address
General Information TheĀ IP and MAC authorization rules also create a similar binding in the Safe...
Web Authorization
Supported browsers:- Google Chrome, version >= 76- Firefox, version >= 71- Safari, version >= 13 ...
User Authorization
Authorization is a necessary condition for users to access the internet. General Information ...