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Linux DNS Setup

Static IP address

1. Navigate to the SafeDNS Dashboard > Settings and copy your IP address in the "Enter an IP address or DynDNS" box. Click "Add".

3.Linux DNS Setup Guide.png

2. Change your system’s DNS servers to SafeDNS addresses - and

If you configure the network through NetworkManager, it will be sufficient to add SafeDNS servers there.

Open the settings of the current Network Interface.

1.Linux DNS Setup Guide.png
Add SafeDNS servers: and

Please note, that servers must be separated by a comma.

2.Linux DNS Setup Guide.png

Otherwise, you need to find out which application is used for the network settings and add SafeDNS servers there.

Your Linux device is now filtered with the SafeDNS filtering policy.

Please note that settings take 5-7 minutes to apply.
Stats and filtering status update every 10 minutes.

Dynamic IP address

1. Install and configure ddclient.

ddclient package is shipped with most Linux distributions.

If your Linux distribution doesn’t have ddclient, you can download it from GitHub.

After ddclient is installed, you need to insert the next configuration in its config file (/etc/ddclient.conf or /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf):




# Replace with your email and password for

# Enter any name for your device.
# If you have several computers with dynamic IPs their names must differ.

Reboot your device and start ddclient.

If the similar string is shown in the system logs (/var/log/syslog, /var/log/daemon.log or /var/log/messages), ddclient is successfully configured:

Aug 14 12:49:13 laptop ddclient[4105]: SUCCESS: updating laptop: good: IP address set to

2. Change your system’s DNS servers to SafeDNS addresses - and

If you configure the network through NetworkManager, it will be sufficient to add SafeDNS servers there.

Open the settings of the current Network Interface.

1.Linux DNS Setup Guide.png
Add SafeDNS servers: and

Please note, that servers must be separated by a comma.

2.Linux DNS Setup Guide.png

Otherwise, you need to find out which application is used for the network settings and add SafeDNS servers there.

Your Linux device is now filtered with the SafeDNS filtering policy.


Please note that settings take 5-7 minutes to apply.
Stats and filtering status update every 10 minutes.